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waste types

Types of Waste and What Their Uses

The Waste Management Act of UK specifies the various waste types and categories for the various sectors to properly deal with waste and its disposal. Bulky waste is classified as one of the five key problem areas to be examined, along with pesticides, waste, chemical waste and construction waste. The phrase bulky waste also came from the Control Waste Regulations 1992, that specifies the kinds of household waste in which a direct monetary benefit to the occupier is permitted (other collections must always be free at the point of entry to inhabitants). A good waste program is therefore essential to make sure that the waste is collected and disposed of effectively and economically. Below are the waste types and categories and their functions.

Waste Categories

Household waste will be categorized into three main waste categories based on its nature and characteristics. These waste categories are general waste, household waste and personal waste. General waste is anything that can be discarded without making any environmental impact. Household waste on the other hand is waste that can cause pollution or damage to the environment. The waste categories include paper, plastic, glass, metal, paint, ceramic, cartons, plastic wrappers, cardboard, pharmaceutical, plastic bags, lead, tin, plasterboard and paper milk cartons.

The waste that is generated by households is generally broken down into various types according to their origin. These categories are general waste, household waste and personal waste. General waste is the kind of waste that originates from the waste management process of a commercial establishment, is capable of causing harm to the environment and is incapable of being reused. Household waste on the other hand is waste that is generated by individuals within a home and is incapable of causing harm to the environment and is capable of being re-used. Personal waste is waste that is generated by an individual and is capable of causing harm to the environment if not reused or disposed of.

When it comes to identifying waste categories and waste disposal methods, there are several ways through which household waste can be classified. Household waste can be classified in two ways namely according to where the waste is generated and according to what kind of waste it is. Generated waste e.g. beddings and clothing; Disposal waste e.g.

waste types

When it comes to generating waste, household waste is classified as direct waste and indirect waste. Direct waste is that waste that is generated directly by the activity and is generated from a single activity. Indirect waste, on the other hand, is any waste that results from activities conducted at a commercial premise and is generated by the conduct of multiple activities. This includes commercial waste from businesses and the like. Different waste categories can be generated from each other. Households’ waste can be classified as biodegradable waste, hazardous waste and solid waste.

Biodegradable Waste

Biodegradable waste is waste material that is capable of being broken down by natural biological processes and will ultimately break down into smaller pieces, generally resulting in nitrogen and oxygen being released into the soil. The most common biodegradable waste material is paper. Hazardous waste is any waste that can cause harm to nature and can thus be categorized as such. Solid waste, on the other hand, can be solid materials such as oil, grease, pesticides, etc., or a mixture of solid materials and liquids.

Other Types

Other waste classification types include hazardous waste, industrial waste and municipal waste. Hazardous waste is any waste that is classified as a potential environmental threat or risk to human health. Industrial waste, on the other hand, is any waste that is generated by a business and is generated in such a way that it affects or may potentially harm human health or the environment. Last but not least, municipal waste is any waste material that is generated by a government agency and is generated in an area where human health or the environment may be negatively affected or damaged. Each of these waste types has different required treatment standards.

Choosing a waste management company that can properly identify waste classification types is essential. Not only will waste management companies can properly identify hazardous waste, but they will also be able to properly treat it and ensure that it meets waste classification requirements. Proper waste management is essential for the protection of both the environment and human health.…

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